DeckEleven’s Railroads 2 is now available on Steam, for Windows and Linux: Windows Minimum Requirements: Linux Minimum Requirements:
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DeckEleven’s Railroads 2 is now available on Steam, for Windows and Linux: Windows Minimum Requirements: Linux Minimum Requirements:
Read MoreRailroads 2 is now available in 8 languages! By popular request, we translated the game in French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, Japanese and Korean Upgrade to version 5.0.0 to get the game in your language. Let us know if you see any translation mistakes.
Read MoreA new sandbox system is available! You can now create an unlimited number of sandbox maps with your preferred biomes, terrains, and terrain features: add river, lakes, seas, mesas, rifts… Water buildings are possible: Sandboxes can have generated missions: And if you have an extension package, ports, airports, and heliports can also pop in: Upgrade […]
Read MoreHave you ever scratched your head after seeing a train: not stopping at a station as it should being on a track far from where it should be queuing at a busy platform whereas all the other platforms are empty or even not switching at all? Sometimes trains don’t do what you think they’ll do. […]
Read MoreTo change a little from trains and railroads, here is a trailer for Winds of Steel: Winds of Steel was briefly unpublished, but now it’s back! remastered with HD textures and improved lighting shaders. The game was first released on the very first Android version, 10 years ago, and it still has some kick to […]
Read MoreWith update 3.0.5, you can now build an overhead wire over existing tracks (no need to tear down everything). Select the Building Power Line tool from the main menu, select the Electrify Existing Tracks tool from the left option menu, then drag over existing un-electrified tracks. Also, if you ever need to create very long […]
Read MoreGuess what! It’s September… The Electric Dreams campaign is now available! (finally…) After many months of development and hard work, you can now play with electric trains. But also, nuclear power plants, biomass incinerators, wind turbines, geothermal plants, power supply networks, traction substations and much more… Be prepared for a challenge! Running an optimized electrified […]
Read MoreGood news! The development of the Electric Dreams expansion is in the very last stage. And we have a release date! Available September 2021 After 6 months of hard work and sleepless nights, all that remains to be done is to complete the final testing runs, add some sound FX and iron out the last […]
Read MoreDevelopment of the Electric Dreams expansion is making good progress. All the new electric locomotives and cars are now ready. The new industry buildings are more or less complete too. We are now in the process of creating all the campaign maps and missions. To give you an idea of how this works, I’d like […]
Read MoreDevelopment of the Electric Dreams campaign is well underway. There is still a lot to do, but for the curious, here is an early preview, showing electric trains and how to build a power delivery infrastructure.
Read MoreWith update 2.4, you can now add Track Sets to your railroads: Track sets are useful when you want to balance traffic between multiple tracks. For instance, imagine that your trains have to cross a river. The bridge is a bottleneck because only one train can use it at a time. To improve the throughput, […]
Read MoreSwitching happens when a train has multiple possible paths when going to a waypoint. The game automatically creates a switching signal at the place where a switching decision is made: When a train arrives at a switching signal, it must decide which path it will take. For that, it inspects the different signalling blocks:– the […]
Read MoreWith update 2.3.1 you can now use the Train Depot When you delete a track or a station that is currently in use, trains using it will not be sold anymore. Instead they will be sent to the Train Depot. Once your track modification is complete, you can go to the Train Depot and restart […]
Read MoreUpdate 2.3.1 features an improved Routing Tool With this improved version, you can now:– insert a waypoint anywhere in the waypoints chain– remove any waypoint, not only the last one. This can be very handy! For instance, let say you have a route running several Corn train clones, and you want to add a fuel […]
Read MoreComing with update 2.2, you can now bulldoze a whole area: Update 2.2 also:– improves UI rendering on Android– fixes HQ rebuild in case of HQ deletion– Adjusts Oil Aboard! mission 2 difficulty– Fixes missing petroleum resource in sandboxes– Fixes missing limestone car in Oil Aboard! mission 2– Fixes some incorrect track connections when doubling […]
Read MoreThe Diesel Package is available! After four months of non-stop hard word, you can now enjoy playing with diesel locomotives and fuel depots (beware of the fumes though) This package includes: The Oil Aboard! campaign A new diesel gameplay 4 new diesel locomotives 3 sizes of fuel depots 12 new industries and resources 3 new […]
Read MoreMy purchase is stuck. I paid for a package, but I did not received it. What can I do? Purchases are managed by Google via the Google Play Store app. We don’t manage payments directly. Sometimes the Google Play app can get stuck. Here is a procedure to help fix this issue: 1. Make sure […]
Read MoreDid you know that you don’t need to destroy a station or recreate all your routes when you want to upgrade a station? Here is how it is done: This is a station we want to upgrade. Notice how this station is used by a train. The train is using the single platform. Tap on […]
Read MoreIf sometimes your trains take an unexpected route… The Path Selector tool is here to help! The Path Selector tool is great when you need to finely tune your routes, or when you want to enable or disable certain paths. To open it, use the clipboard icon that appears on the left of the screen […]
Read MoreThe first release is live! After three years of hard work, 253 liters of hot cocoa and countless sleepless nights, the game is finally available on Google Play. It took more time than expected, but I think it was worth the extra hours. The beta has been completely reworked to take players’ feedback into account […]
Read MoreOur closed beta has ended. Thank you so much to everyone who participated. Your feedback/bug reports helped us improve the game. We are now working on our first official release and to develop the features inspired by your feedback. Don’t hesitate to use the form below if you have any comments. Beta program If you […]
Read MoreMany of you are very eager to try the game. As a gamer, I understand the feeling. Hang in there! It should not be too long now. We are working as fast as possible to fix the last bugs and polish the game content. The plan is to have an early access version released before […]
Read MoreToday’s post is going to be a bit technical, but nothing too scary and it’s informative, so stay with me! In Railroads 2, trains are simulated with a simplified physics model. The goal is to give a “realistic” feel when you play with trains. For instance, trains take time to accelerate to full speed. Locomotive […]
Read MoreTwo huge parts of the game engine have just been completed: the day/night mode selection and the lighting and shadow effects. It took a while and a lot of work, but you can now let your trains run into the sunset. Here is what it looks like: These two effects are not merely cosmetic. They […]
Read MoreIn Railroads 2, routing, schedules and traffic lights work together to give you control over your trains. Routing let you decide the paths that your trains will take. You can route your trains by marking waypoints on the map. For instance, the first waypoint can be a pick-up station and the second waypoint a drop-off […]
Read MoreThe Free and Steam campaigns will include 8 steam locomotives: 6 are directly accessible and 2 can be unlocked when you complete the campaigns. The first reward locomotive is already modeled, but the jury is still out for the second reward locomotive. The first option is a locomotive inspired by the Blue Comet a 4-6-2 […]
Read MoreHi, I’m Jerome, the indie developer behind DeckEleven. For two years and a half now, I’ve been working on Railroads 2, rebuilding the game engine from scratch, modeling trains and buildings, adding new gameplay ideas, scraping very bad ones… It was a bumpy road, but the game is now well advanced and the plan is […]
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