Station Upgrade
August 25, 2020
Did you know that you don’t need to destroy a station or recreate all your routes when you want to upgrade a station?
Here is how it is done:
This is a station we want to upgrade. Notice how this station is used by a train. The train is using the single platform.

Tap on the station to open the station view, then expand the menu on the bottom right. Then choose Upgrade Station.

You station has now two platforms! But it seems the train is only using the first platform.

This is normal: by default the game won’t change your routes when you upgrade a station. It does not know yet if you want your trains to use the new platform.
To make your train use the second platform. Tap on the train to open the train view. Then expand the train menu. Choose Edit Route. Open the Path Selector tool (it’s the clipboard icon on the left).
Then tap Recalculate routes

Voilà! The train is now using all the platforms.

If for some reason you want to disable some platforms or paths, you can use the Path Selector tool.
Have a look at this post for more details: Advanced Routing: Path Selector
Can you publish this on the Railopedia attached to the app – would save a lot of trouble
Loved the update and glad I bought Coal as Cucumber. Thanx! May I suggest in future updates you create a “Straighten Track” option? I know its mostly aesthetics but it does save fuel traveling a straight line instead of all those little curves we create when creating Track.
Thank You
That’s a good idea. It’s possible to make straight tracks with the current tool, but not that easy.
Try creating short segments and then attempting longer ones. Sometimes it wants to lay a nice long curved path but practice makes perfect.